
What is Regression?

Most of the information here has been taken from various people on the internet. I am aware that people on the internet are generally not a reliable source, but when trying to research regression Google has not been my friend. I believe the sources I got this information from to be generally reliable, and will link their pages at the bottom.

Age regression is to "a return to an earlier stage of life or a supposed previous life, especially through hypnosis or mental illness, or as a means of escaping present anxieties" ( Age regression (often shortened to agere) can occur for several reasons. Some of those reasons might be:

✿ As a defense mechanism. People can regress unconsciously as a way to escape stressors. These people will display regressive behaviour and may feel childish, but they'll still be aware of their current age and surroundings.
✿ As a symptom. In some disorders regression can be an extreme retrear (like the defense mechanism), while in others it can be an emotional flashback. This type of regression is also involuntary and triggered by external things. People who experience this type of regression may or may not be aware of their current age and surroundings. This type of regression can be scary and unsafe when triggered negatively. Even if triggered positively, it's a vulnerable state because cognitive function may be impaired and behaviours can be affected.
✿ As a result of hypnosis. Age Regression Hypnotherapy is a controversial practice. The therapist will use hypnotic techniques on their patient to access traumatic memories in order to process them. Some may only recall the memories, but some may regress and relive them. Some find this beneficial, but this can also lead to retraumatization or people recalling false memories. This type of regression can only be done with a licensed hypnotherapist.
✿ Inner child therapy. This is a therapeutic process geared toward healing your inner child and working through trauma, or just embracing your inner child. The patient is aware of current age and surroundings.
✿ As a coping mechanism. Someone may purposefully display regressive behaviours and find comfort or relaxation in them. This type of regression is used as a temporary break before taking on stressors again. As this is controlled by the individual, they are aware of their current age and surroundings. Some may be positively triggered by this and can enter a regressed state that is no longer controlled by the individual, and they may no longer be aware of their current age or surroundings. Either way, it's managed and done in a safe/controlled environment and only around others they trust to keep them safe.

Now that we've covered what age regression is, lets talk about who can regress, and what a regressor might do! For this conversation we'll be mostly talking about the type of regression that is a coping mechanism.

Who can regress?
Anyone can regress! Regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion. However, you'll probably only find teens and older in the online community because many sites have age restrictions, as the internet generally isn't a safe place for kids.

What happens when someone regresses?
This is unique from person to person! Everyone's regression is different, but there are typically some common themes. Generally, when people regress they will act significantly more childlike than usual, and will partake in activities that young children might enjoy. Things like video games, playing with dolls or stuffed animals, building blocks, children's books, cartoons, colouring, Legos, and other things that are generally considered "for children". The younger a person regresses, the more juvenile their interests will become. So, someone who regresses to a baby or toddler would probably have a greater interest in things like pacifiers, teethers, and building blocks than someone who regresses to an older child or teen. Mannerisms can also change, so a regressor may talk like a child would (shorter sentences, mixing up words, high-pitched voice, possibly non-verbal, etc), become clumsier than usual, become fidgety, energetic, or restless, habitually suck their thumb or bite their nails or chew on various non-food items. These changes may or may not be voluntary and may happen subconsciously as a person regresses. Basically, a regressed person will act the way a child of their regressed age would act.

Ok! So this isn't all-encompassing but I feel like it's a good source of information! All of the information above has been taken from babyboyollie and whyis.gracie (deactivated) over on instagram. If you want to check out the pages I got this information from (which I would recommend), click the labelled instagram icons!

babyboyollie is an informational agere account. Their account is mostly information for people that are already in the cglre community, so it account can be really helpful to regressors and caregivers.

What is Age Dreaming?

Age dreaming is a term coined on Tumblr that caters to people who don't conventionally regress, or people that may not feel comfortable labeling themselves as a regressor. The creator of the term defined it as "an umbrella term for those who's headspace does not fit beneath the age regression umbrella. It is a diverse, individualistic experience, which is different for each person. The headspace is usually controlled by the individual and voluntary. It may encompass those who go into a child-like headspace for fun, those who act/behave like a child nonsexually, those whose headspace is both 'child' and 'adult' (aka not fully 'regressed'), those who consider themselves to be a child and partake in a lifestyle of reliving childhood, and those who just enjoy the aesthetics and comfort of childish things. In all cases, age dreaming is a nonsexual act, not related to kink or nsfw activities."

Now, you may see some overlap between that definition and what age regression has come to be known as. The reason for that is, age regression as a community has expanded to include things that aren't technically regression, but instead just look or feel similar to it. Age dreamers are still welcome in most agere spaces because we're all just looking for a safe space.

Who can age dream?
✿ "Ageplayers" who don't feel comfy using that term because it's been highly sexualized and used as a kink term. "Ageplayers" who are completely nonsexual and nonkink related can use age dreaming instead. However ageplay and age dreaming cannot be crosstagged due to the amount of kinksters using the term ageplay.
✿ Age regressors who don't necessarily "regress" because they are always living in the headspace of a child and living their lives as a child again and do not have an adult headspace.
✿ Those who regress for fun.
✿ Those who enjoy the aesthetic and act of being small but may not actually regress.
✿ Anyone who feels as though they have a mindset or headspace similar to regression but not exactly regression, or their regression fits outside of the definition of what regression is.
✿ Anyone who feels age dreaming fits them because their headspace differs from the normally accepted regression headspace.

There are some regressors that age dream as well (like me!). This is because age dreaming can positively trigger someone into regressing. I know that there can be a negative stigma around regression and age dreaming, but there is nothing wrong, gross, or inherently sexual with enjoying more childish activities. Remember! You don't outgrow happiness. It grows with you!

The information above comes from whyis.gracie (deactivated) and the original post on tumblr! The original post is linked below.

This is the original post! It has some more information on what age dreaming is.

Telling Others

The following information applies to age dreaming as well as regression! It's just easier to type out "regression" than "regression and/or age dreaming," so that's what I'll be doing.

Before informing others you must take your current relationship into consideration. Consider how it will affect you and your relationship with them in the following ways:
✿ How will informing them benefit us both?
✿ Will informing them improve or damage our relationship?
✿ Will informing them put me in danger?
✿ How will informing them impact my everyday life/mental health?

Next, it's important that you inform yourself! Get to know your regression, what is means to you, and how it affects your life. Practice communicating this beforehand. You should also keep in mind what your goal in regression is. Do you want to stop or better manage regressing? Do you want to incorporate regression into your life (or therapy) more freely? Or do you want it to stay the same?

Know what you want to ask of the person you're informing. Do you want to ask them to be your caregiver? Are you asking for their professional help/opinion? Do you want to ask that they adjust to your change in behaviour? Or do you simply want to let them know and ask for their support? Knowing this beforehand is important because if you don't keep your reason for telling them in mind, it might be easy for you to get off track, and if they ask why you're telling them and you didn't think of it before, you may be at a loss. Sometimes, it may be helpful to drop some hints to "soften the final drop of information" (@whyis.gracie).

After taking time to inform yourself about what regression is, what it means to you, and why you are telling whoever you're telling, you may want to think about answers to some questions you may be asked. Questions like:

✿ Where did you learn about this?
✿ Why do you regress?
✿ Where can I learn more?
✿ When did you start regressing?
✿ Is it voluntary?
✿Do you regress often?
✿ Will you grow out of this?
✿ How do I treat you now?

If you don't want to have a face-to-face conversation about it, don't fret! There are others ways to inform them about regression. You can:
✿ Have a friend or significant other that already knows explain it to them
✿ Write a letter
✿ Call or FaceTime them
✿ Send them helpful online resources
✿ Send a "Can I tell you something?" text
✿ Send them the informational site in the "Helpful Links" section

I hope that this helps you feel prepared to tell whoever you wanted to tell about your regression! I believe in you! Good luck!

babyboyollie is an informational agere account. Their account is mostly information for people that are already in the cglre community, so it can be really helpful to regressors and caregivers.


I do not claim to be a professional, nor do I claim to have done all the research myself. This was simply a compilation of information from several different sources. I compiled it for your convenience, so that should you ever need this information you can have it all in one place. That being said, the accounts that I used for each topic should be linked at the bottom of their respective page. I hope this gave you what you needed!


Thank you for taking the time to look through my carrd! I drew inspiration for the design of my carrd from sweetlydoll and kindercottage on instagram. If you want to check out their pages, click the icons below!

sweetlydoll has a cutesy, pink, babycore theme. Don't forget to read their DNI before following!

kindercottage has a bright, happy, yellow theme. Don't forget to read their DNI before following!